closingOptional direction of the closing lines on start and end.
Use built-in vector functions like Vector3.Left()
or Vector3.Forward()
for simple directions of use a custom
normal vector like Vector3(1, 0.5 ,0)
Default: x or y direction is taken, depending on the normal vector between start and end point
Default: 0.05m
: html elements can be occluded by other meshes
: html elements will always be shown in front of the scene
Default: false
Custom CSS class for dimension line label.
Can be used to overwrite the styling of the label.
Optional callback for label text creation.
Provides calculated length from startPoint
and endPoint
as parameter in meters.
Default: rounded (2 digits) "mm" value (e.g. "1234.56 mm")
Default: Color3.Black()
parentOptional parent node of dimension line, can be used for easier calculation of start and end point
Default: no parent node set
: html element size is relative to camera distance, just like a "normal" 3d object
: html element size remains constant
Default: false
Generated using TypeDoc
Options for dimension line creation