Class GltfExportManager

Manager for gltf export and augmented reality features


  • GltfExportManager


  • Exports selected nodes to a file.


    • filename: string = 'glb-export.glb'

      Optional name of the exported .GLB file.

    • optimizeForAR: boolean = false

      Adjusts the exported GLB so that known issues get automatically fixed, this is mostly targeting Apples .usdz format.

    • Optional excluded: ExcludedGeometryList

      Optional list of geometry (meshes, elements, variants,...) to be excluded from the export.

    Returns Promise<undefined | File>

  • Exports selected nodes to GLB. This results in one binary file.


    • filename: string

      Name of the main (text-based) .GLTF file referring to seperate texture files.

    • optimizeForAR: boolean = false

      Adjusts the exported GLB so that known issues get automatically fixed, this is mostly targeting Apples .usdz format.

    • Optional excluded: ExcludedGeometryList

      Optional list of geometry (meshes, elements, variants,...) to be excluded from the export.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Exports selected nodes to GLTF. This may result in more than one file, since textures are exported seperately.


    • filename: string

      Name of the main (text-based) .GLTF file referring to separate texture files.

    • optimizeForAR: boolean = false

      Adjusts the exported GLB so that known issues get automatically fixed, this is mostly targeting Apples .usdz format.

    • Optional excluded: ExcludedGeometryList

      Optional list of geometry (meshes, elements, variants,...) to be excluded from the export.

    Returns Promise<void>

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