Version 5.0.1

Version 5.0.1 Details

List of all changes

Introduce GLTF Export Manager

The GLTF Export Manager supports functionalities for exporting the current content of the viewer scene into a GLB file, which can optionally be downloaded. The corresponding functions are:

One of the main use cases for this functionality, is to provide GLB files for usage in AR engines like Googles "Model Viewer".

Update to Babylon.js version 5

Babylon.js v5 has been released in May 2022 and comes with a lot of new features and fixes, that we certainly also want to make use of in our viewer. The corresponding release notes of Babylon.js can be found here.

The update to the new Babylon.js version was also required to support a stable GLB export for "Augmented Reality", as a lot of fixes and improvements in that field were introduced in Babylon.js v5.

Whilst there were no breaking changes introduced in the viewer interface itself, there is still a chance that certain functionalities in your project may behave slightly different after updating the viewer due to the update to Babylon.js v5.

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