Manager for tasks related to the Babylon.js scene.
This contains creating or loading scenes with certain settings for lighting, cameras and appearance in genereal.


  • SceneManager


  • Calculates size of the current scene.
    Only takes meshes into considerations that:

    • are visible
    • are not excluded by "excludeGeometry" parameter
    • do not have a material of type "BackgroundMaterial"
    • do not have an infinite distance (like sky boxes)


    Returns BoundingInfo

  • Loads and returns the asset container of a certain scene asset.
    This can be used to access the scene asset content without having to add it to the scene.


    • name: string

    Returns Promise<AssetContainer>

  • Register scene assets for 3d viewer, this is required for each scene asset before it can be loaded/shown.
    The "viewer control" inside the Combeenation framework calls this function automatically with all assigned scene assets.


    Returns void

  • Set desired scene asset as active and loads the content of the associated asset container (e.g. ground mesh).
    This also deactivates the currently active scene asset, as only one scene asset can be active at a time.


    • name: string
    • Optional skipPreparation: boolean

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adjusts position and scaling of a dedicated "ground" meshes according to the bounding sphere of the current scene content.
    This function is designed to adjust the ground that is created via scene.createDefaultEnvironment, but any other plane mesh can be used as well.


    Returns void

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